I reported on this earlier this year and I have written several pieces on how
Roadway Connectivity Opens New Markets
This time Decameron will build a new hotel on the Caribbean cost that will be a real winner, but first we need a new road to get there.
With a price tag of $18 million, the Tourism Authority of Panama is putting out to tender studies, design and construction of a road on the coast of Colon, between the communities of Cuango and Santa Isabel. You will soon be able to drive all the way from Panama City to Cuango on a paved road in a shorter time that it takes to get to Pedasi. Plus you will be close to the San Blas islands.
Roadway Connectivity Opens New Markets
This time Decameron will build a new hotel on the Caribbean cost that will be a real winner, but first we need a new road to get there.
With a price tag of $18 million, the Tourism Authority of Panama is putting out to tender studies, design and construction of a road on the coast of Colon, between the communities of Cuango and Santa Isabel. You will soon be able to drive all the way from Panama City to Cuango on a paved road in a shorter time that it takes to get to Pedasi. Plus you will be close to the San Blas islands.
The work is part of an agreement with the developers of Hotel Decameron which will be built in Santa Isabel and will feature 300 rooms. According to the Deputy Administrator of the ATP, Ernesto Orillac, “we hope to foster the development of a Caribbean corridor and that it may become a tourist area.
Authorities have set the price tag of the new road, which will have a single lane in each direction, at $18 million. The contract will include “removal of obstructions at the site, construction of concrete road bridges, construction and improvements to the storm drainage system and vertical and horizontal road signs”, reported Prensa.com.
- See more at: http://panamaadvisoryinternationalgroup.com/blog/news-from-panama/panama-builds-road-to-boost-tourism/#sthash.GnYRzOMn.dpuf
Authorities have set the price tag of the new road, which will have a single lane in each direction, at $18 million. The contract will include “removal of obstructions at the site, construction of concrete road bridges, construction and improvements to the storm drainage system and vertical and horizontal road signs”, reported Prensa.com.
- See more at: http://panamaadvisoryinternationalgroup.com/blog/news-from-panama/panama-builds-road-to-boost-tourism/#sthash.GnYRzOMn.dpuf